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Found 11 Results
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Guideline for Insulation Maintenance and Inspection Practices

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This Practice provides guidance to users for the inspection and maintenance of thermal insulation systems.

January 2024
New Practice
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Design Guide for Insulation in Hygienic Facilities

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This Practice provides guidance for the design of insulation systems used in a hygienic environment requiring clean or Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) design. This Practice describes the types of insulation systems that are indicated by the type code on the Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), data sheets, and other design documents. This Practice provides guidance on insulation design criteria, insulation materials, extent of insulation, determination of insulation thickness, and insulation material properties. Insulation in non hygienic facilities/non CGMP areas should refer to PIP INEG1000.

May 2022
New Practice
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Acoustic Insulation Systems Specification

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This Practice describes the requirements for the design, application, and extent of acoustic insulation on piping and equipment operating at high and low temperatures. Systems requiring additional insulation specifications beyond PIP Practices, such as ISO 15665, shall be covered by purchaser's documentation.Listing of or reference to supporting documents within this Practice does not imply suitability for specific designs.Comment Use of this Practice for contractual purposes requires the purchaser to make specific choices and assemble additional supporting documents.

June 2021
Technical Revision
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Hot Insulation Installation Details

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This Practice provides installation details for hot insulation systems. This Practice provides details for installing hot insulation systems on piping, valves, horizontal and vertical vessels, and heat exchangers.

June 2021
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Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices

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​This Practice provides guidance to engineers for the application of the PIP insulation Practices. This Practice describes how to use PIP insulation Practices and supporting documentation for the execution of a project. A general description of each Practice is provided. Instructions are provided for the use of the associated data forms.

July 2019
Reaffirmation with Editorial Revision
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Installation of Flexible, Removable/Reusable Insulation Covers for Hot Insulation Service

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​This Practice provides requirements for the installer of flexible, removable/reusable insulation covers for hot service insulation systems. This Practice describes the minimum requirements for materials, fabrication, and installation of flexible, removable/reusable hot service insulation covers, ambient to 538°C (1000°F).

July 2019
Reaffirmation with Editorial Revision
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Insulation Design Guide

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​This Practice provides guidance for the design of insulation systems. This Practice describes the types of insulation systems that are indicated by the type code on the Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), data sheets, and other design documents. This Practice provides guidance on insulation design criteria, insulation materials, extent of insulation, determination of insulation thickness, and insulation material properties.

July 2019
Technical Revision
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Hot Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification

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This Practice provides requirements for materials and installation of hot service insulation systems on the external surfaces of piping and equipment, ambient to 649°C (1200°F).This Practice describes requirements for hot service insulation materials and accessories, storage and handling of materials, insulation application, extent of insulation, and documentation. Comment Use of this Practice for contractual purposes requires the purchaser to make specific choices and to assemble additional supporting documents. Listing of or reference to supporting documents within this Practice does not imply suitability for specific designs.

August 2018
Complete Revision
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Insulation Inspection Checklist

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This Practice provides a checklist for use by individuals responsible for ensuring the quality and completeness of an insulation job. This Practice describes the requirements for inspecting insulation by providing an Insulation Inspection Checklist, PIP INTG1000-F. The checklist is designed to apply to both cold and hot insulation systems as well as large-scale projects and individual items. As a result, there are specific items on the checklist that may not apply to all projects.Each section has a line for ranking workmanship. Because workmanship is somewhat subjective, ranking is provided.Comment sections are provided where appropriate.This Practice assumes that individuals charged with making the inspections are experienced in the design and installation of insulation systems and are well-acquainted with the PIP Insulation Practices.The checklist does not provide sufficient information to act as a stand-alone document that would allow an inexperienced person to function as an inspector.

October 2017
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Cold Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification

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This Practice provides requirements for materials and installation of cold service insulation systems. This Practice describes requirements for cold service insulation materials and accessories, storage and handling of materials, insulation application, extent of insulation, and documentation on the external surfaces of piping and equipment, ambient to -179°C (‑290°F).

October 2017
Complete Revision
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Cold Insulation Installation Details

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This Practice provides details for installing cold insulation systems on piping, valves, horizontal and vertical vessels, and heat exchangers.

October 2012
Editorial Revision

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