HomeDisciplinesCivil Structural and Architectural (CSA) Practices

PIP CSA Practices serve the needs of Refinery, Petrochemical, Chemical, Energy/Power, Advanced Technologies, Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and other industries globally

Task Teams include:
Civil, Drilled Piers, Piling, Concrete, Grout and Anchorage into Concrete (Task Team 1) 
Structural and Miscellaneous Steel (Task Team 2) 
Modular Structures (Task Team 3) 
Practices Based on Eurocodes (Task Team 4) 

Why PIP CSA Practices?

Most PIP member companies utilize Specifications and Fabrication/Installation Details for purchase orders and contracts with fabricators, suppliers, manufacturers, and construction contractors. PIP CSA Practices also publishes Design Criteria, Data Sheets and Design Guides used by facility engineers and designers. 

We worked with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) on the development of Design Guides for Anchorage into Concrete and Onshore Modular Structures. PIP CSA Practices has also developed Excel Spreadsheets and MathCAD Template Design Tools based on PIP Practices available for use by PIP Member Companies. 

Examples of Civil, Structural and Architectural (CSA) Engineering Practices

  •  OSHA-compliant Design and Fabrication Guides for Fixed Ladders, Standard Stairs, and Pipe and Angle Guards and Handrails for Petrochemical and other industrial facilities.
  • Architectural, Civil and Structural Design Criteria relevant to the Design of Petrochemical and other industrial facilities. 
  • Primary comprehensive Civil and Structural Design Guides relevant to the design of Petrochemical and other industrial facilities not adequately addressed by other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). 
  • Specifications related to onshore Modular Structures that are not adequately addressed by other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). 
  • Globalized PIP CSA Practices for other regions of the world, including Canadian and Eurocode Standards, in such areas as Structural and Miscellaneous Stell Fabrication and Erection. 
  • (In Development) Practices that address new technologies and trends, including Laser Technology and Modeling, Soil Improvement Methods, Helical Piles, and Non-American Steel Design.  

OSHA Walking-Working Surfaces Changes

The PIP CSA Function Team developed Practices incorporating significant 2017 changes made to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart D—Walking-Working Surfaces. The changes significantly impacted design requirements for ladders, stairs, and platforms within the industries that PIP serves.

Modular Structures for Industrial Facilities

A PIP CSA Task Team and ASCE Energy Division Task Committee have brought together world-class experts in the design, fabrication, and transportation of large onshore modular structures to develop a comprehensive Design Guide and Design Criteria and Specifications for Modular Structures for Petrochemical and other industrial facilities.

Browse 40+ Discipline-Specific PIP CSA Practices